
Flooding is the costliest and most common natural disaster in the US resulting in billions of dollars in losses each year. In fact, 90% of catastrophic losses each year are due to flooding. When most people think about floods, they picture huge natural disasters like Hurricane Hugo or Hurricane Matthew. The truth is that floods can happen anywhere at any time and every home has some risk. It only takes an inch of water to cause thousands of dollars in damage.
Flood Insurance 101
We all live in a flood zone. Some are considered high-risk and some are low-risk but they all have some risk.
If you live in a zone starting with an A or V, you are in a HIGH-RISK Zone and Flood Insurance will be required if you have a mortgage.
If you live in a zone starting with an X, you are in a LOW-RISK zone and Flood Insurance is not required but is available for purchase and encouraged. In fact, almost 25% of losses occur in low-risk zones.
Homeowners Insurance does NOT provide flood coverage. You will need to purchase a separate policy.
Flood Insurance isn't always expensive and can be as low as a few hundred dollars per year. If you are in a high-risk zone, having an Elevation Certificate and proper venting can save a ton!
Most flood policies have a 30 day waiting period (unless required by a lender and purchased at the time of home closing), so you cannot wait until there is a hurricane off the coast as it will be too late.
Policies written through NFIP provide up to $250,000 in Building and $100,000 in Contents Coverage.
You may be eligible for Private Flood Insurance which could save you money and provide more coverage.